Family bunker
Suitable for families
with a private house
  • human
    4-12 people
  • clock
    Up to 30
    days of stay
  • bed
    2-8 sleeping spots
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Public bunker
For IT specialists, for public institutions
or government facilities
  • human
    36-100 people
  • clock
    Up to 1 month
    of stay
  • bed
    80 seating and 20
    sleeping spots
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Military bunker
For conducting meetings with the command staff
and for the rest of the personnel
  • human
    2-8 people
  • clock
    2-48 hours
    of stay
  • speed
    Quick to install
    and relocate
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Professional bomb shelter construction

Construction of a bomb shelter in Ukraine | SmartBunkersUA

Recent events in the world show us that safety and health are the greatest values. Our experts have taken care of you and designed comfortable autonomous bunkers made of quality materials for you and your family. It may seem like bunker production takes forever, but that’s not the case.


We have optimized the speed of bunker production so that SmartBunker can be on your site in just 1.5 months.


All configurations of the home-bunker include engineering systems and an entry vestibule-gateway.


For proper comfort during the stay in the bunker, we design ventilation, sewage, air filtration, water supply, and refrigeration systems.


Depending on the category and model of the bunker, the process from ordering to installation takes between 35 to 40 days.

Stages of creating a SmartBunker

Advantages of ordering
a bunker from SmartBunkersUA

Unfortunately, it’s already clear to everyone that there are no safe homes no matter where you live!
Double comfort
Double comfort
Each bunker is equipped with ergonomic sleeping and seating areas, as well as all modern amenities - electricity, water supply, communication, internet, toilet, and shower.
Unquestionable reliability
Unquestionable reliability
Our shelters have additional protection against corrosion and moisture, provided by the latest development of our partners - a layer of polymer coating that is resistant to harmful water effects.
Instant speed
Instant speed
The entire process from ordering to installing a SmartBunker takes on average one month, which is 3-4 times faster than similarly sized concrete shelters.
Variety and versatility
Variety and versatility
The SmartBunkersUA team has developed a range of technological shelters that cover all needs and are suitable for different categories of consumers: civilians and military, enterprises and private households, young and old people.
All in one
All in one
We took care to save your time and offer turnkey installation of shelters, professional support and organization of the entire process, so that you do not have to worry about organizing construction work, finding specialists, and technological solutions.
If necessary, a SmartBunker can be moved to another location, leaving the land suitable for agriculture.

Stages of creating a SmartBunker


We take an order

We take an order

First, we survey your land and create a technical assignment for your order, taking into account all your wishes.


Geology and surveying

Geology and surveying

Before starting construction, our specialists conduct geology and surveying of the land plot, and then we move on to design work.

Stages of design work

  • Visualization of installation works
  • Installation
    of the bunker structure
  • Reinforcement of blocks
    with protective
    multi-layer covering blocks.
  • Reinforcement of the upper part
    of the bunker with a concrete
    плитою; slab and covering with soil.
  • SmartBunker is ready
    for use at your

The cost of building and designing a SmartBunker depends on the area of the structure, furniture, purpose, and equipment.

The cost of building and designing a SmartBunker depends on the area of the structure, furniture, purpose, and equipment.

The cost of building and designing a SmartBunker depends on the area of the structure, furniture, purpose, and equipment.